I'VE BEEN FEATURED: MyDeal.com.au blog on the benefits of reading
For me, reading is something almost as fundamental as breathing. I can't go a day without it, and don't think I ever have since I learnt to read when I a little kid (and before that, I begged to have books read to me over and over again). As such, I was thrilled to be featured in the latest MyDeal.com.au blog post about The Benefits of Reading.
Click this link to go and check out what I, and others, had to say on this always-important topic!
Want more reasons to justify why you stay up late reading "just one more chapter"? Or why you spend most of your budget on books each year? Or even why your kids so pay some more attention to the written word? If so, here are some other articles on the advantages of being a bookworm you can check out and share with others today:
Image from Someecards.com